free reading glasses

Free Used Prescription Reading Glasses

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Get a free pair of used prescription reading glasses by mail. These are intended for those who may have a tough time affording them on their own.

1. Visit the following website:
2. Click “Browse” then enter your prescription given to you by your eye specialist.
3. Browse through the selection of glasses that approximate your prescription. Detailed photographs can be seen by clicking on the glasses. Percentile match is listed in the right column, which estimates how closely the glasses match your prescription.
Note: Numbers in green are the best, indicating the closest match to your prescription.
4. Pick the pair you like best, which also has a high match percentile.
5. Once a pair is selected, click on “Get these ReSpectacles!”.
6. Fill out the required information including name and mailing address, then click “Order my ReSpectacles!”.
7. The glasses will be shipped to you in about 7-10 business days. The website offers opportunity to contribute to defray the cost of shipping, however this is not required.

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